Saturday 3 December 2011

Screening of bowel cancer

The Screening of bowel cancer
Western country has done a good work
When would be our country has a complete system to do so
Not only the health care providers to offer the service
Public awareness is another important issue to address

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Spinal cord disorder and pattern oaf sensory loss

Different type of spinal disorder will give rise to different pattern of sensory loss
Even though nowadays everybody confirm the diagnosis by MRI, but go back to basis, in pre-MRI era, how our brilliant doctors diagnose them

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Visual pathway and its defect

Somebody finds this is simple
But other may face problem on this.

This is actually quite straight forward
It elaborate optic nerve and the associated defect with the effect against vision/ visual field

Brain function

Human brain is complicated, expert may be can only defines less than 10% of brain. The other 90% is still unknown.

Now let us go through the known 10% of brain function.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Type of dressing

Optimum environment for wound healing

  • Moist

  • Free from infection, with minimal slough

  • Free of chemicals and foreign bodies

  • Optimum temperature

  • Minimal number of dressing changes

  • Correct pH

  1. Different dressings are appropriate for different stages of the wound healing

  2. Good wound management necessitates flexible approach to election and use of dressings

Requirements from a dressing

  • Protection from infection and trauma

  • Debrides, both mechanically and chemically

  • Absorbent and removes excess exudate, whilst keeping wound moist

  • Maintains temperature and gaseous exchange


  1. Comfortable and cosmetically acceptable

  2. Stimulates healing

Healthcare provider

  1. Inexpensive

  2. Easy to change

Monday 24 October 2011

Type of mesh repair for incisional hernia

There are 3 types of mesh repair, inlay, onlay and sublay.
All have different advantages and disadvantages.
There is a bit too long to elaborate.
See later whether I can get the mind map online

Friday 21 October 2011

Macrophage mechanism

Cellular illustration how macrophage in action

Acute inflammation

Acute inflammation has 2 stages
First is vascular stage, with initial vasoconstriction, then subsequent vasodilatation.
Capillary becomes leaky, where fluid accumulated at interstitial space causing edema

Second stage is cellular stage, which involved all the inflammatory mediators and phagocytosis of antigen. With formation of APC and manifestation of cardinal signs of inflammation

Saturday 16 July 2011

management of benign breast condition

the basic is still triple assessment
crucial point is when to do operation
it is just a guide, detail still need to refer to local center protocol

Wednesday 13 July 2011

carcinoma of unknown origin

recently there are few cases of these
pt presented with metastatic CA, but unknown of primary
CT scan and biopsy are needed
then will be a challenge for pathologist to interprete this

Sunday 10 July 2011

breast anatomy

in breast posting under prof yip
her first question is always be: tell me the anatomy of breast
then 2nd question is: what is triple assessment

Saturday 2 July 2011

morbid obesity

obesity is a major problem in the world now
there was a 200kg patient came to ED
and we found that even the normal bed cannot be fitted

anorectal benign disease

anorectal benign disease is far more common than carcinoma/ cancer of the region
1 of the painful experience of colorectal surgeon is: have to do per rectal examination of all his patient
(perhaps some of them enjoy it..)
anyway, that the summary of all the common benign disease

Thursday 23 June 2011

CSF circulation

how CSF circulation work..
some name need to be remember: eg monro, sylvius, megendia, luschka..
sign neurosurgery...

Monday 20 June 2011

calcium absorption in gut

calcium abosrption in duodenum
and how hormonal influent in cellular level
been asked before during part 1 master
just memorise the picture and u can answer well

Friday 17 June 2011

calcium metabolism

important part 1 question
basically calcium metabolism controlled by
- 3 main hormones: 1-25-dehydrocholecalciferol (DHCC), PTH and calcitonin
- other associated hormones: growth hormone, glucocorticoid, estrogen, thyroxine, insulin and IGF (insulin growth factor)

calcium sources are from:
- GIT absorption, renal absorption
- bone resoption and deposition

calcium in blood/ serum has 2 forms
- free calcium
- bound to protein/ albumin

do remember the formula of how to count corrected calcium
- [Ca] + 0.02(40-alb)

Sunday 12 June 2011

brachial plexus

wondering u still remember brachial plexus?
is 1st year anatomy, then can forget about it?
no, no way, it will still come out in final year..

Friday 10 June 2011

neuromuscular junction

how neuromuscular junction function?
all in this diagram..
first year physio..
both of MBBS and master program

Wednesday 8 June 2011

muscle contraction

bit of physiology.. how skeletal muscle contract
it involve calcium..
so later there are lots of stuff about calcium

Saturday 4 June 2011

acute limb ischaemia

first pic is the full management of ALI
2nd pic is the categories that taken from HKL vascular unit

Monday 23 May 2011

stomach- blood supply

this is the common question asked during exam, either written or viva
sometimes it may be twisted and turned, but basically the answer will be the same
example, what vessels that u need to cut/ ligate during total gastrectomy

Sunday 22 May 2011

stomach- gross anatomy

this is the basic that everybody should know
adding on to this, the cardio-esophageal junction/ lower esophageal sphincter pressure is about 15-25mmHg, measured by manometer

Monday 2 May 2011

wound healing

this is a common essay question
if can memory the pic above and vomited out in exam
then surely can score

Saturday 30 April 2011

management of upper GI bleed

a complete summary of management of UGI bleed
for surgical candidate, this should be in finger tip, is perhaps is for HO/ medical student as a reference

Friday 29 April 2011

Management of variceal bleed

management of variceal bleed..
seem too complicated. but just follow the flow chart

if u wanna classify the management, a good way is to divide it
- initial resuscitation
- OGDS and banding
- sangtaken blackmore tube, TIPSS
- surgery: porto-caval bypass/ esophageal transection/ liver transplantation

Management of non variceal UGI bleed

Upper GI bleed basically divided into variceal and non-variceal bleed
the management is somehow different
(even though both of them started fr resuscitation and then OGDS)
just follow the flow chart and you won't get wrong

for the complete management and management of variceal UGIB will be posted later

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Forrest classification

it is important as it predicted the rate of mortality and rebleed
somohow i find out that lots of junior dr cannot remember this classification
thus just to post up as a reference.

Monday 25 April 2011

fluconazole as first line of fungal infection

fungal infection always been ignored, it happened more common than it has been detected
this is because medical personal does not suspect it, and it is difficult to be cultured.

thus some studies suggest that to start fluconazole empirically in high risk patients (as noted in upper Left conner). it is daily dose, and so far is 1 of the safest drugs

the evidences of the studies shown in another 3 charts. it will reduce mortality for at least 50%
but beware not all candida will respond to fluconazole, eg candida kruzei that need better antifungus..

Sunday 24 April 2011

bowel prep rules

this is basically to induce diarrhoea to patient
so that procedure of large bowel can be done
example: colonoscope, or surgery.
different hospital use different protocol of bowel prep
even different surgeon uses different type and time
basically it starts the night before procedure
and usually repeated for twice, sometimes 3 times
(for certain pt, it even started 2 days prior to procedure)
some formulary given orally and some per rectally

below is the caution of giving bowel prep
this is because sometimes large amount of fluid shift will do harm to pt,
particularly for those with heart, lung and kidney diseases

Saturday 23 April 2011

BIRAD classification in breast examinatin

triple assessment of breast is very important during under grate exam
in fact it will be 1 of the question during phase 3A
triple assessment included:
1) clinical examination
2) imaging: ultrasound for those < 35 years old, mammogram for > 35 years old
3) pathological sampling: usually FNAC is sufficient, but sometimes we do request for excisional biopsy or incisional biopsy (very rare)

this topic i will bring it a bit deep, regarding BIRADs classification
this is during imaging, the common language btw radiologist and surgeon, regarding management and follow up of patient.

definitely it won't be asked during under grate exam
but post grate... it could be asked
lots of ppl think that it would be mentioned at the end of radiological report
but if suddenly been asked during exam, surely u will know how insufficient u are..

Friday 22 April 2011

Los Angle classification

this is for reflux esophagitis.
these 2 posters actually pasted on the wall of scope room UMMC
is picture and description
easy to memorize and reproduce

if medical student mention this, can impress the examiner
but post grate candidate should know this by heart

Tuesday 19 April 2011

treatment of Helicobacter pylori

most of the doctor know that triple therapy for Helicobacter pylori
but actually there are 4-5 lines of treatments
we use quadruple therapy if triple therapy fail, which can be as high as 20%
algorithm as showed in above picture

(modified from nycomed)

Saturday 16 April 2011


everything under the sun can be classified
this is one of my prof used to say
so to start, i classify this into various categories

simply as follow:
- head and neck
- cardiothoracic
- breast and endocrine
- abdomen
- gastrointestinal
- urolory/ renal
- vascular
- principle
- physiology/ pathology
- metabolism
- infective: including antibiotic etc
- miscellaneous: including some anatomy and anaesthesiology that cannot classify elsewhere

hope this will progress well..